Hummingbird horrors as watches and crimes against humanity destroyed his homeland, is the development of a new crime: the silence of the international community
In Syria, there is an old story behind every rock and tree. This is the place that gave the world the first alphabet, the first plow. This is a woman, Queen Zenobia, led a revolt against the Roman Empire. A visitor to fall in love all over Syria and represents not want to leave, and even today, its people pray desperately, desperately to escape.
I remember my favorite place in the old city of Damascus, the streets around the mosque Ummyad. My friends and I spent our shoes walking in rocky narrow streets, breathing the smell of the close of trading spices mixed with the scent of jasmine. Syria, each house cultivates a jasmine bush, white flowers and extends attachment stone walls. But the jasmine in the country can not hide the smell and color of blood.
Like many, I left my homeland in search of opportunity before the revolution began. As a member of the Kurdish minority persecuted, he could not get a job because I got a scholarship from the Syrian government, a parent who was an officer nor the money to pay for my ambitions. I went to the United Arab Emirates for the pain and anger in my heart, fearing for my relatives left behind and face the difficulties of life under continuous.
Since the revolution began in March 2011, the Syrian diaspora, which I am a member, has been tormented by the guilt of not defend our people, but also by the realization that we are in a unique position to give a voice to our people fighting for freedom, dignity and justice. Over time, the scale of the massacres and it grows wild despair and pain that lives in the heart of Syrians living abroad.
I developed a habit that my people revolted. I can not go an hour without taking the smartphone and check my press. At 3am shines through my window and the dark blur. My phone lights up when I search the headlines with his eyes half open.
On March 11, I remember my horror when I went through my ritual at the time and I learned the Karm el-Zaytoun slaughter Homs. My phone pictures beams five children brutally murdered, his wet clothes colorful afraid rattle baby lying motionless next to his dead friend. Once again this May, I learned the slaughter of Hula, a mother shot her three children. She tried to protect their babies against the beasts of the night.
Assad supporters that children should be killed because they must avoid avenge the death of their parents in the future. These murders are not self-defense. There are acts of fear. These are not the actions of terrorists and armed gangs. This is called extermination.
How can a man be so ruthless killing of a child to do it again and much son? What kind of being can not ignore the cries of a baby? Is there joy in the cry of a helpless child, dying? And that these beings killing machines lived and walked among us. Syrians think they are like us humans who think and feel.
When the revolution began about 18 months, as the previous massacres took place in southern Deraa in Syria. A civil and peaceful movement against Assad forces erupted throughout the country. Syrians sang and danced in the streets to express their disapproval. To cope with the growing number of protesters, the Syrian regime has released the heavy artillery and used them against his own people.
On 14 June 2012, Amnesty International published a report containing evidence of crimes against humanity and war crimes are widespread and systematic. These crimes are part of the policy of the Syrian government "to take revenge on communities suspected of supporting the opposition and intimidate people into submission." AI added that the international community must make a decisive act. The UN has issued a statement saying that around 1.5 million Syrians need help. Many face starvation if the Syrian regime continues to block food and water and set fire to the local cultures.
Every day, about 120 Syrians have died. Many more are wounded, missing, detained and displaced persons.
So far, the international community has not recognized that there was a revolution in Syria. Instead, call it a crisis, conflict. It is a falsification of the demands of the people of their fundamental rights. To call what the Syrians are facing another name allows only the international community to escape the responsibility to protect civilians. Somehow, these definitions give a false excuse to delete Assad opponents, thousands of Syrians peaceful. Describing the situation in Syria as a struggle between the regime and the armed opposition leaders dwarfism is one of Syria's aspirations for freedom. And it is an easy excuse for the international community to ignore the humanitarian responsibility to protect humans. Syrian stops being able to reach a long-awaited democracy. Are they not worthy of democracy Syrians?
The revolution is not an ideology, parties, groups opposed to Assad. It is a movement led by people of Syria and is a movement that is composed of all sectors of society. It Shabiha-Assad supporters, thugs Syria word and those who rebel against him. Revolt, most of Syria, claiming the rights that have been denied 40 years. They want to take advantage of the resources that have been stolen, but they want their heritage and ancient treasures that must be protected and not sold on the black market. They want access to employment, scholarships. They claim the right to roar when officers abuse their power. They want a fair and equitable law that ends the hegemony of some opportunistic govern Syria. And this can only occur when the old regime is still trying to impose their power to terrorize the civilian population.
Assad and Syrian officials should leave it alone. They should be tried before the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
This does not mean that the Syrians want a military intervention in their country, and warships in its doors. It is a cry for the free world to fulfill its responsibility to ensure the safety of civilians humanitarian passages. The application of a no-fly zone to prevent attacks Assad residential areas. Search in support of Syrians for freedom, dignity and human rights. What is happening in Homs is a scandal that the Red Cross is not able to provide food, water or medical care to people in the besieged city. They are not capable of carrying civilians injured and trapped in the affected areas due to heavy shelling by Assad forces. UNICEF is not able to stop the arrests of children, torture and sexual abuse committed by Syrian forces. Even the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are not protected or receive adequate assistance, Syrian refugees in Lebanon are harassed and denied help by Hezbollah, backed by Iran. Humanity can not remain indifferent to the horrors taking place in Syria.
Do not let your silence will pave the way for other crimes. Make your voice heard in any way you can act in any way he can. Write to your MPs and officials, the protest against the embassies of Russia and China to support the regime, fundraising for the Syrian refugees and require protection. Do it now before it is too late. I dream of the day when I can finally return to my country, to a new and free Syria and Syria, where you can hear the shake of a dead baby in the silence of the night.
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