In Kalash culture Bashalani Bashali or also known as the women's community house, enjoyed an important role in the Kalash women spent nearly five days during menstruation and for three weeks in the delivery of the child.
Bashali is a single room ten to twelve feet long unfurnished except one or two poles and plenty of grass. In cold weather, the ladies bring their own bedding and other consumables. Vigilances are strict and no outsider is allowed near Bashali. There is a fireplace in the room that menstruating women live. Older women assist in the delivery of the pregnant woman. Pregnant women get all the clothes for delivery and giving birth to the child naked. There is a statue of Dezalik in the room, a deity of Kalash who prayed for the safe delivery. After staying in the Bashali, women folk are not allowed to go home before cleaning herself in the nearby stream and change of clothes.
Kalash people eat simple food. They like a lot of fruits. Often, eating bread with apricots and grapes. During the holidays they spend all open heart. They tend to eat more milk and dairy products at the festival. They love cow and goat meat. The cheese is placed in a large clay pot and kept for a long time and when is rotten and smelly they like. Used for daily food and for healing. Kalash women use ornament. Do not use gold in their ornament. They prefer the red and white. Ogle is a necklace worn by most women.
Dancing and singing is part of Kalash culture. Dancing and singing have brought to light the world Kalash international lime. The Kalash are great lovers of music and song, and indeed are called as music addicts. Dancing and singing is part of the life of every body `s. Looks like Kalash live to sing and dance, no matter it is an occasion of celebration or mourning in prayer, and their deities. Dancing comes much in the internal life of the brutes. It is a religion exerts a spectacular performance, and fun.
It is necessary also the reason leading to the exercise. Below are some of the major events involving exercise:
Jast dances of the gods.
Dances to the illustrious dead (ancestor of hero worship).
Homicides to thank Gish dance.
She dances to the gods, while men are assaulting.
The dances of the death of a Kafir.
The dances in celebration of the erection of effigies.
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