Dr. Robert Rowen has been officially certified and recertified by the councils U.S. family medicine and emergency medicine, but it is currently certified by the American Board of Medical Clinical Toxicology.
It is also a leader in the medical freedom, especially with his pioneering work in Alaska in 1990, where he contributed to the creation of the first legal protection of natural medicine in the United States. Alaska governor appointed him to the state medical board in 1992.
I interviewed Dr. Rowen before on topics of natural health, cholesterol and statins. This discussion will focus on the interesting uses for medicine and therapies oxidative oxidation.
What is oxidative medicine?
When most people think of oxidation, they think of free radicals and the need to guard against the use of antioxidants. However, when used in therapeutic antioxidants may be beneficial for treating a variety of conditions ranging from viral and fungal infections of joint pain and arthritis.
Dr. Rowen said:
"Medicine is the oxidation number of any therapies using antioxidants. Oxidizers are electron acceptors. Oxygen is usually the final receiver electron oxidants that facilitate and stimulate the process of body.
The three that are most commonly used parenteral - either intravenously or by injection - another ozone therapy is treatment with ultraviolet irradiation blood, intravenous therapy and hydrogen peroxide. Believe it or not, a high dose of vitamin C has been shown to work through oxidative drug because it stimulates the production of hydrogen peroxide in the tissues. '
A remedy for staph infections discovered in 1943
The use of oxidative therapies clinically documented for the first time during the great influenza epidemic of 1918-1920. Meanwhile, a British physician in India has managed to reduce the mortality rate from influenza and pneumonia by intravenous therapy of 50 percent hydrogen peroxide. The ultraviolet energy is applied to the skin for skin infections. Then, in the 1930s and 40s, ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) treatment began to appear in the literature and a physicist named Knott has developed a technique to eliminate some blood, treatment with ultraviolet light, and put it back into the patient.
Remember, this was before antibiotics and the treatment was very effective in the treatment of infections have been fatal.
"I have all the articles ever published U.S. ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy, and the results are simply amazing in terms of what you could do for bacterial infections, viral infections, allergies and even problems," said Dr. Rowen.
Now, more than half a century later, we are facing an epidemic of staphylococcal infections resistant to antibiotics such as MRSA. Dr. Rowen continued:
"In 1943, I think it was the American Journal of Surgery, who had published an article showing that the technique was used to Knott staph infections. We have a crisis in this country today, with staphylococci . ago people dying. they (doctors UBI) UBI began using a series of staph infections and patients died. It happened to note that patients who died ... was also obtained simultaneously a "wonder drug", the new sulfonamides. thought that such Afterwards (sulfonamides) could interfere.
So is another series of patients with Staph. Each of them lived with only one or two sessions of UBI. These patients are denied the use of sulfonamides. Sulfa really absorb ultraviolet energy. So yes, it hurt.
But in 1943, we have a remedy against staphylococcus. Regardless of whether or not it is MRSA. Staphylococcus aureus MRSA means methicillin resistant. This pathogen is nothing pathological or other common staphylococci. The only difference is that it becomes relatively resistant (I said relatively) safe antibiotic, methicillin.
You must use highly toxic antibiotics, if you can try them all. Remember, this germ is nothing else in their pathogenicity, namely the risk of injury. And no more or less susceptible to ultraviolet energy today than four million years, and that agencies have had years to get used to the sun's energy and have not, because you can not. '
The last Safe "vaccination"?
So how, exactly, UBI work? When you take several ounces of blood from his body and exposing it to ultraviolet radiation, free of pathogens sensitive to UV. What about the rest of the blood is infected?
Dr. Rowen said:
"If the blood is given a clean slate, which inactivates agencies ultraviolet and restore the body, the body is now the antigenic structure of these organizations, or in other words, the three-dimensional structure. Is that these agencies are there, but turn out to be dead, so we will not hurt you. Their bodies can then see these bodies mount an immune response and much more efficient. "
Simplistic, another way to describe it would be like the final vaccination, safe, and you have found the right dose, but you are not getting potentially harmful additives such as preservatives, mercury, aluminum and all other components.
Dr. Rowen continued:
"All the toxins can be inactivated by ultraviolet probably because it takes a lot of energy, but it can cut ties. This is one of the things that you do. Addition, we know that bacteria and Viruses do not have a protective mechanism against oxidation. virus, for example, called a lipid envelope, which means that we are surrounded by lipids. Such lipids can be very vulnerable to oxidative damage. If you are upset, then they are not functional and that the virus can not penetrate the cell. "
Interestingly, in Germany, have been using a similar process known as low autohemotherapy decades. During this process, a small portion of the blood, such as 5-10 cc are removed, ozonated or exposed to UV light, stirred and then returned as a "vaccine" to the hip, to boost the immune system. Autohemotherapy major is take six to seven ounces of blood and the same process for the provision of similar immune stimulation. The same process can be carried out with ozone instead of ultraviolet rays.
Dr. Rowen says that these therapies are the latest modern treatment for influenza. Instead of taking a shot in the dark in a potentially dangerous vaccine, which uses oxidation. These techniques are the first choice for the treatment of flu and viruses. Research and experience has shown that the recovery time reduced by about half. In fact, hydrogen peroxide intravenously was published in 1920 in The Lancet of 50% reduction in mortality by the terrible Spanish flu epidemic in India, UBI pneumona viral cure rapidly in U.S. hospitals 1940s.
The surprising improvements in Lyme disease, recovery from a heart attack and
In YouTube Channel Dr. Rowen, "RobertRowenMD", you can hear the stories of patients who have undergone many improvements surprising, sometimes after only two or three UVI or ozone treatments. Dr. Rowen shared the case of a licensed health care professional to Lyme disease, which is very difficult to treat. A few weeks later, he came with a smile on his face with his eight-point rating scale improved by 10. In other words, to zero, 10 is perfect. In three weeks, the improvement of eight years. And the other was a woman whose skin problem MRSA fade dramatically with only the first session of the ozone layer.
In another case, an eye surgeon Dr. Rowen he described as a "cardiac cripple" due to a heart attack has also improved by eight points after four to six weeks of treatment with oxidation therapy intravenously, oral therapy and occasional intravenous chelation, and nutrients.
Among other cases, a woman with bone on bone arthritis that we suggest for joint replacement surgery, and a few sessions of injections of ozone gas in his knee and had no pain. In a similar case, a woman told me that I needed a prosthetic ankle had an improvement of 90 percent in just two sessions of injections of ozone.
How is it possible that oxidation treatments have the potential to treat a wide range of health problems? Dr. Rowen explained Velio search Bocci, an Italian doctor who has written many books on the ozone layer. At first, he wondered how doctors can get a variety of answers and specific remedies for a variety of diseases with nonspecific oxidative medicine. It made no sense to him, because Western medicine is designed to shoot a particular disease, eg, methicillin in staphylococci.
Dr. Rowen continued:
"He [Bocci], and then began to do research on the effects of ozone on the immune system. He found that the ozone generated a number of cytokines and interferons. These are hormones that white blood cells use to communicate with each other. These are extraordinarily stimulating the immune system. What he found, in his own words, was that "ozone is ideal inducer of cytokines." Contrast that with Pharma, trying to dissect the individual cytokines and interferons for parenteral use. and they kill people, because you're giving one.
Bocci found that when using the oxidation therapy - and through the ultraviolet, even - that stimulates white blood cells to come to life and do what God designed cells do, which is to go out and kill infections. He also found that ozone therapy generates what he calls super-talented RBCs. GR ... carry oxygen. Cell super-talented Red is a red blood cell may discharge its oxygen to the tissues. Because it can carry oxygen, but if it gets rid of oxygen, it will not do anything good.
He said: "Ozone creates super-talented RBCs So now we get a treatment that improves oxygenation am a man burn oxygen more oxygen to heal, stimulate and strengthen the immune system .. 'S A very good .. Two-start your body. This does not only deal with the immune system. If you're going to get more oxygen to the tissues, it can cure almost anything. '
Oxidative use preventive medicine at home: Best Anti-Aging Therapy of all time?
Dr. Rowen is, to his knowledge, the user longest continuous oxidation therapy in North America since 1986. Prophylactic uses this because, in his own words:
"Sometimes I think that the oxidation treatment is a last - if not the last - anti-aging therapy ... I really think I've done this for years, I was in the ozone layer, as I said, more than anyone .. in North America. believe it is the latest anti-aging therapy. I do regularly, even me.
One option is the use of oxygen during exercise. Dr. Rowen continued:
"My favorite here is the exercise of an oxygen also known as EWOT exercise with oxygen therapy). 'Ai wrote about it several times in Second Opinion. EWOT Centre, breathing oxygen at high concentration. Strive for close to 100 percent as you can while you exercise. A German named Manfred von Ardenne studied this for many years. discovered that if you train with the burden of the partial pressure of oxygen greater, or 100 percent oxygen can reverse aging in your hair and improve the oxygenation of your body.
This is the approach of a man to improve oxygenation. All that you need is an oxygenator. I wrote about this in my newsletter, Second Opinion, with all the details on how to do so. It is not expensive to do. '
Why is the most famous non-oxidative medicine?
If you have joint pain, Lyme disease or infection, medications are probably the go-to treatment recommended by your doctor. This is, unfortunately, the way the medical system is set up - to promote drugs and surgery in the first place, although of course, more natural alternatives. When asked why he thinks oxidative medicine is not more widely adopted,
Dr. Rowen said:
". One reason is that these drugs are widely promoted Taking the case of NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, I tell my patients: "You can reduce the pain by taking medicine today and tomorrow destroy your cartilage ", because one of the mechanisms by which they act is to reduce the production of cartilage. So really lead to long term by reducing arthritis pain by force in the present.
But the pharmaceutical industry is a huge industry. Everywhere you look on the TV ... [And] you see these commercials for petrochemicals pharmaceuticals.
I wonder when people will wake up? There are many alternatives. If you are really in pain, there are many ways to reduce or cyclooxygenase enzymes COX enzyme, which is what these drugs without poison. Curcumin is a big one. Ginger is another. Almost all bioflavonoids do with very little risk.
The reason we do not see things as ozone there take things is mainly due to what I call the sector most corrupt in the world. To return to politics, where if you can not make a better product, how to keep your product on the market? It is not possible in a free market. You need to buy the government, so you can buy a monopoly on what you have and keep everything else. This is what we have in this country today.
We have the best support system disease money can buy. Not a health care system. This is a system for maintenance of the disease. '
Additional resources to explore oxidative therapies
"I think the fundamental remedy for most conditions is to get the body to burn oxygen oxygen are burned -. Energy Make -. You feel better oxidation therapy is a system that is virtually risk-free," said Dr. Rowen. "They can stimulate better circulation and a better immune system. They really turn mitochondrial processes. If you look at blood levels of lactate and pyruvate after going through oxidation, they reduce. The only way to reduce that if you turn in the mitochondria (energy production).
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