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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dangerous glass fibers in cigarettes worsen lung damage for smokers

(NaturalNews) Shocking new research shows that a specific type of lung cancer in smokers develop from many small tears in the lung tissues caused by microscopic glass fibers, also known as glass wool, which are in many filters Conventional cigarettes. These tears in the fuel tissue (smooth) the development of epithelial tumors and cancer cells due to repeated stress of toxins, including pesticides, nicotine and content of ammonia in the trade of cigarette smoke.  watch smoking videos www.worldtopvideos.tk

Commercial cigarette filters contain typical microscopic needle-shaped pieces of glass wool (such as fiberglass insulation) escaping from the mouth and throat, then remove with tar snuff in lung tissue surrounding the alveoli (sacs air) and lead to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), emphysema and lung cancer in the future.

Physician Assistant (PA) and an intensive care nurse in a large hospital examination of damaged lung tissue of cigarette smokers reported that several X-ray was identical to that of patients exposed to asbestos and Imaging revealed what appeared " frosted glass ", which is installed in the soft tissue in the bottom of the lungs (EOG - ground glass opacity) nurse interviewed said." When the damaged lung tissue repeatedly develops lesions,cancer and plants there as seeds."get facebook likes www.sendmelike.com

According to AP, small fragments in the "lipid bilayer, then stirred in the lung tissue, causing the tissue to harden and eventually lose its ability to absorb oxygen." Damage contributes to the development of the same type of lung cancer (mesothelioma) associated with asbestos poisoning. He also explained how smoking destroys the cilia (hairs) that help push excretions / mucus, and how smokers sleep when your breathing patterns relax and "tar deposits fall into the damaged air bag called blisters may break and collapse . " So when smokers wake up in the morning, may experience fits nonproductive cough and / or bronchospasm.

Why fiberglass?

Filter cigarette (back) acts as a buffer against extreme heat chemicals burning cigarettes, which can exceed 1700 degrees Fahrenheit during breathing. Fiberglass has the heat resistant qualities of asbestos, making it an effective material for insulation, but if you've been in an attic insulation and has on your skin, you know how irritating fibers Glass can be, if now, imagine what it does to the lungs of a smoker.

Up to 12,000 microscopic glass fibers are closely related, so the filters take 10 to 15 years to disintegrate. If the filter is rolled just fine cotton paper, a little rain would break and wash in a couple of weeks. The filters are also built to trap tar and snuff particles coming through, but not quite.

While fiberglass is not the same as asbestos, which can be as harmful to the human body. The long and very narrow fibers penetrate deep into the lung tissue and stay there. A study in rats showed that the glass fiber is a potent carcinogen, which leads to changes in gene structure of DNA and destroy the immune system. Smoking is a struggle right colds, flu, sinus and bronchial infections for much longer periods than nonsmokers.

60 years of great lies of Big Tobacco

Independent studies show that cigarettes are defective filters marketed for over 60 years. Mesothelioma, a deadly cancer that develops in the protective lining of the lungs, abdomen and / or the cavity around the heart, is most often associated with asbestos poisoning, but now research shows that over 10% of these cases are related to smokers with no history of asbestos exposure.

The snuff industry has been negligent by failing to conduct toxicology tests to assess the risks to human health from inhalation and ingestion of synthetic microparticles released from conventional cigarette filters. Ads "Warning" on the recent effects of smoking are not educational, and helping smokers to quit all understand strategies. 54 million campaign full of "austere and graphical ads" is just a ploy to get the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) tries to help with this massive health crisis avoidable

With absolutely no regulations regarding the ingredients used for the manufacture of cigarettes, smokers are susceptible to many forms of lung diseases, including pneumonia, desquamative interstitial infiltration of soft tissue, bronchoalveolar carcinoma ice cream, and pulmonary fibrosis, which manifests from specific lung biopsy (HR-CT scans)

Since the U.S. government not help smokers quit, who does?

Once a smoker realizes what is actually found, it can be physically and mentally prepared to quit smoking. Download 14AndOut is a video of 60 minutes covering every angle dependence snuff, including chemical dependency, behavioral patterns and nutrition to clean the lungs and blood. No other program is so unique that responds fully to the replenishment of nutrients that have been severely depleted by 4000 chemicals cigarettes

14AndOut is a comprehensive program that is comprehensive and affordable, and teaches how to wean the smoker him / herself to stop smoking completely in 14 days or less. The course explains how small smokers who have chosen e-cigs continue to damage your liver and kidneys by ingesting nicotine, which is the main chemical that fuels the cycle of addiction to snuff. If you are a smoker with a deep desire to escape from prison 14AndOut nicotine is the way to prolong his life.


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